On 14-15 November 2022, the Simonyi BEDC Entrepreneurship Center will organise its 9th Hackathon.
Like the intensive Hungarian-language competition in October, the international English-language round will focus on Cleantech. In addition to the corporate partners, 11 foreign partner institutions (Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena, Consorzio Futuro in Ricerca; Kärnten - University of Applied Sciences; UNI Graz; Med Uni Graz; Graz University of Technology; Medical University of Lodz; Wissens/Transfer/Süd; University of Maribor UM FERI) will help the mixed student teams to define problems and develop forward-looking solutions.
The online venue of the event, cleantech.openup.education, was developed by the team of the Simonyi BEDC Centre for Entrepreneurship Development and will host all communication, idea development and video calls.
Students and young researchers from UP and partner universities will work together as developers, along with a mentor.
We welcome our partner alumni students who are interested in the topic to help the teams either as mentors or as experts (Thursday afternoon 2 hour long expert track).