Corporate Partners at the Faculty of Business - Join Us!
The Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Pécs has always put great effort into maintaining strong corporate connections primarily to ensure that its students are well-prepared with real-life and actual company experience upon graduation, and to incorporate up-to-date issues and information into the education.
Why should companies join the corporate team at the Faculty of Business and Economics (KTK) through the opportunities offered by CAL?
At the Faculty of Business and Economics (KTK) at the University of Pécs, we offer our partners a variety of corporate relationships and interactions, providing exciting new opportunities, roles, and active cooperation that are mutually beneficial and more than fruitful!
Let's see what these are!
The iEXPO is a university-wide event where students from various faculties showcase their project-based works completed during semester-long courses. They demonstrate the skills and competencies developed beyond theoretical knowledge acquisition. The professional feedback and support from our partners are crucial for this work.
As the most successful and largest event, iExpo attracts the majority of our corporate partners, who eagerly participate for fresh insights, viable ideas, and the chance to meet quality students behind these innovations. It's no wonder that each year sees an increase in attendance, the size of scholarships offered by companies, and the value of gifts and opportunities provided.
In May 2024, nearly 500 of our students from 6 faculties, organized into 105 teams, along with nearly 100 experts participated in the event. Thanks to our partners, our students received over 1 million Hungarian Forints in scholarships, valuable prizes, and donations.
The iExpo is held twice a year, in the fall and spring. We welcome corporate experts who are interested in the event to apply!
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As part of the World of Practice (WoP) lecture series, our partners and alumni have the opportunity to give professional presentations throughout the entire semester, introducing themselves and discussing topics related to the courses offered. The presentations are 75 minutes long.
Through tackling a common problem within the framework of a course and solving it through teamwork, our students can directly engage with partners, experiencing their abilities, ambitions, and professional readiness firsthand. Ultimately, we provide innovative and contemporary knowledge to address the problem, typically culminating in a presentation format during the final week of the course.
For our partners, there is an available career management platform specifically for students of the Faculty of Business and Economics (KTK). This platform fosters connections among students, faculty, alumni, and partners of the Faculty. Users utilize the platform to introduce themselves, share job opportunities, events, and announcements, mentor students, and recruit interns directly from here!
Reach over 1500 students from the Faculty of Business and Economics in Pécs efficiently!
The Hackathon is a fun and exciting event lasting one and a half days, where students tackle interesting challenges to develop their teamwork skills. Our goal is to foster diverse solutions, so teams consist of students from various faculties of the University of Pécs, integrating different fields of knowledge, perspectives, and competencies. Our corporate partners participate in the event as experts and judges, personally meeting our excellent and entrepreneurial-minded students who are eager to showcase their abilities.
Partner feedback is valuable for our students. The event is open for participation every semester, where outstanding work is recognized and rewarded with scholarships and prizes.
We welcome scholarship offers for our students.
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There are corporate partners who have significantly contributed to the education at the Faculty over many years: they bring their knowledge, share their experiences, and assist in curriculum development to ensure our students graduate with the most up-to-date and relevant knowledge for the job market. These partners' insights are regularly sought, considered, and valued through ongoing communication. They are invited to advisory bodies established during accreditation processes, and we are deeply grateful for their invaluable assistance and dedication.
Our students must complete a mandatory professional internship in their final semester of studies, during which they apply the knowledge acquired throughout their education in practical settings. The Faculty supports students in finding internship placements through its corporate relationships, enabling them to gain practical experience and potentially secure positions with our partners.3.5
The internship matchmaking process, where partners and students find each other, takes place on the Openup career management platform.
We are proud that companies are not only actively present in our education and special programs but also contribute significantly during our students' final exams. The Faculty of Business and Economics (KTK) places a strong emphasis on practical education, so we rely on the practical perspectives and insights of companies during these final exams in the examination boards. We primarily invite our alumni to these events, and we are delighted that they willingly participate when called upon.
The infrastructure of the Faculty of Business and Economics (KTK) is outstanding on a national level, despite operating within a historic building. Our modern facilities, featuring a bright, renovated, contemporary visual appearance, are largely the result of corporate collaborations. Companies that collaborate with the Faculty rely on the skilled professionals educated by KTK. They can adopt parts of our space, enhancing student well-being and fostering a strong connection with their organization. Below is a gallery showcasing our current corporate spaces.