World of Practice (WoP) lecture series - until 10th May.
World of Practice (WoP) lecture series throughout the entire semester.
World of Practice (WoP) Week
The Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Pécs has been a committed supporter of experiential/applied learning and the integration of corporate partners and their knowledge into education for many years.
As part of the WoP lecture series, our partners and alumni have the opportunity to give professional lectures throughout the semester in courses related to the topics they bring.
As part of the World of Practice lecture series, our traditional event, the now customary (World of Practice) WoP Week, has grown into a colorful event for this semester under the banner of employability efforts.
In addition to the use and education of new technologies (Simonyi Hackathon), the event includes skill development, labor market expectations (WoP lectures), and responsibility (Simonyi keynote lecture).
We welcome all interested parties with the following programs, and a brief description of these can be read in the attached document:
WoP guest lectures
Simonyi Hackathon keynote
Simonyi Hackathon, with the participation of students and corporate experts, and a total of nearly HUF 400,000 in scholarships and valuable material prizes.
The program offering also shows that this semester’s WoP Week can be realized in cooperation with the institutes and centers of the faculty, which is a particular joy for us: