Where theory and practice meets...
The Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Pécs aims to respond quickly and flexibly to emerging problems and needs in the economic and social environment through CAL. In the course of professional work, it involves students, instructors, staff, and external partners to the greatest extent possible to enhance their professional development. The goal of CAL is to provide students with the opportunity to work on real projects with real clients from the beginning of their studies through its events and projects, thereby also enabling companies to actively participate in the targeted skill development of their potential future employees. aktívan részt vegyenek potenciális jövőbeli munkavállalóik célzott készségfejlesztésében.
How do we achieve this?
The three centers operating within the framework of CAL focus on different areas of the profession, helping students and meeting market needs simultaneously.

In collaboration with the Alumni Office, we continuously provide opportunities for our students and alumni to cooperate and learn from each other, for example through guest lectures.

With the help of our corporate partners, we have the opportunity to organize programs and events that strengthen practical knowledge by gaining corporate experience, all within the walls of the university.

We organize and coordinate short-cycle, non-degree programs, thereby supporting the professional development and career opportunities of our students.
The goal of the Center for Applied Learning (CAL) is to integrate the application of knowledge (practice) into the processes of knowledge generation (research) and knowledge transfer (education) at the Faculty. This process is supported by our platform, openup.pte.hu, which enables members of the interested community to connect, engage in collaborative thinking, and create innovative ideas.