What we offer
Commercialization, shortened time to market, access to a vast pool of knowledge, access to our regional and international network, multiplication of your time and capacity, increased focus on breakthrough and scalable solutions, above all a „whole-life learning experience".
If you think you are wasting your time, money, connections, ideas, land, building, technology, services products and any other tangible or intangible assets, join our community because we offer waste recycling in all the above mentioned cases.
The Simonyi BEDC is a vibrant learning ecosystem that relies on its members' activities whom interact with each other in a specially designed environment that focuses on building entrepreneurial capacity, endeavors to explore and trace back the ideas to the competencies that have made them, pivot and restructure the ideas inorder to achieve a higher impact and derive a higher added value, restructure competences for arriving at even more marketable ideas. This is all achieved in a co-creating and co-learning environment with stakeholders actively participating in a knowledge driven economic center of gravity which is continuously pooling, pulling and binding idea owners, sellers, buyers, investors and lobbyists within a milieu desgined to boost innovation.
Simony BEDC being a virtual intellectual network is a boarderless living lab, born as a child of Hungary's Southern Transdanubia and the U.S. Southern Ohio region.
Simonyi BEDC is proud of its members and strategic partners from around the world whom actively participate in fostering programs that promote circular migration of brain across its international community The mentioned helpbuild regional innovative idea hubs which in turn assist the more depressed areas to trigger innovation at those places mapped with unexplored competencies. The Southern Ohio-Pécs community is one such strong community.
In order to extract all benefits of this learning ecosystem by all parties, the active involvement of the Simonyi BEDC members is essential . active participation in „Action Learning" and „Action Research" employing proven models which combine „appreciative inquiry" and „problem solving". Your pro-active participation for continuous co-creation is what we refer to as "intellectual magnetism of the system".
Simonyi BEDC aims at boosting innovation capacity across the communities it is acting in through Enterpreneurship Capacity Building, Applied Learning and Smart Specialization.