

expo kép



12.30 Registration

13:00 Opening, welcome speech - Dr. József Halasy Hall and KTK building

13:00-15:00 iEXPO - In the whole building

15:00-16:00 Award ceremony - Dr. József Halasy-Nagy Hall

The iExpo is an event where students present their projects, research and business ideas on various topics from the semester in the form of a reverse job fair.

Participants will have the opportunity to showcase their personal competences alongside their professional work.

The event is also a good opportunity for companies looking for future employees to get to know the skills of our students and student teams.

The way of the event:

  • Students will set up their own booths on tables placed around the building. Each team will be provided with a 1m X 0.7 m cardboard plate which they can fill with content, which will be their exhibition poster. We ask all participants to prepare their stand before the start! You can pick up the cardboard boxes at B315.
  • Invited experts and company representatives will visit each stand and score the projekt, and a team, and the presentation
  • At the end of the event, the students and student teams with the highest scores will be awarded a prize and prizes.
  • For questions: 432/1 Ildikó Legányi, leganyi.ildiko [at] ktk.pte.hu

Why to apply as a student?

  • You can compete. You can improve your communication skills and become more confident and start on the road to success
  • You can exhibit anything, whether it's a business idea, community development project, research, some kind of innovation or anything that shows off your skills
  • In addition to special surprise prizes, the following prizes will be awarded. 

There will be 4 categories for winners I-II-III:

  • Best Poster,
  • Best Presentation,
  • Best Presentation, Best Presentation, Best Project,
  • Each category will receive 100.000 - 80.000 - 50.000,-Ft per team, divided by the number of teams per team.
  • Among the voters for the public prize (high school students, university students, exhibitors and non-exhibitors) we will draw suprise gifts. 


You can apply as an individual or in a team.

Register - Deadline: Monday 15 April

Inspiring posters and video: 

Posters - last year iExpo


It's worth trying it out for yourself!


Why apply as a PARTNER?

Get to know our Pécs students and their skills from a whole new perspective!

  • At iExpo you have the opportunity to talk informally with students and even find your future trainees and employees now.
  • Participating partners are invited to tour the student teams and give us feedback on their work and skills, helping us to select the best ones.
  • The three teams with the most points will also receive a special prize (a scholarship) and high-value corporate scholarships.
  • We welcome gifts or special prizes of any kind on behalf of the faculty and our students. Please indicate your donations separately on the registration page provided and a contract will be sent to you.

Programme for our corporate partners, company representatives and experts:

  • 11.50 and 12.00 arrival - please indicate your parking needs on the registration page (Address: Rákóczi út 80, entrance from Vasvári Pál street 4, (parking at the intersection of Jogász street, Vasvári street 
  • 12:00-13:00 - Room B323 - information on the projects received, peer review, suggestions, informal discussion, sandwich and coffee
  • 13:00-15:00 - KTK building - iExpo - reverse student job fair:

The building will be filled with an exhibition of student projects (iExpo), where students will present their project/idea and their presentation skills in the exhibition area to the experts, company representatives and HR colleagues present.  

  • 15:00-16:00 Presentation of results, special prizes, surprise gifts and prizes
  • Presentation of student scholarships (cash prizes)  
  • Presentation of sponsor gifts and prizes 



If your company would like to participate in iEXPO, please complete the company  REGISTRATION  by 22 November.

For up-to-date information on the event, please visit the Facebook event page or contact us at cal [at] ktk.pte.hu.




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iexpo iexpo iexpo
iexpo iexpo iexpo
iexpo iexpo iexpo
iexpo iexpo iexpo
iexpo iexpo iexpo
iexpo iexpo iexpo