

expo kép




12:30 Registration

13:00 Opening, greeting – Dr. József Halasy-Nagy Audiance

13:00-15:00 iEXPO – In the whole building on the second and third floor

iExpo is an event where students present their projects, research, business ideas, and presentation skills in various topics in a reverse job fair format.

Participants also have the opportunity to showcase their personal competencies alongside their professional works.

The event also provides a good opportunity for companies looking for future employees to get to know the abilities of our students and student teams.

15:00-16:00 Announcement of results, award ceremony – Dr. József Halasy-Nagy Audiance

The event procedure:

  • Students will place their posters on their own partition. Each team will be provided with a 1m X 0.7m cardboard sheet to create a poster, which can be filled with content freely, this will be the exhibition poster. We ask all participants to prepare their stands before the start! The cardboard sheets can be picked up at B315.
  • Invited experts and company representatives will visit the individual stands, where students will present their work along with their personal competencies. Experts will provide feedback and evaluate the team, the presentation, and the project.
  • At the end of the event, we will award scholarships and prizes to the students or teams with the most points and the most outstanding achievements.
  • For questions: 432/1 Ildikó Legányi, leganyi.ildiko [at] ktk.pte.hu

As a STUDENT, why should you apply?

  • You can challenge yourself, improve your communication skills, and become more confident, making it easier for you to start your career.
  • You can exhibit anything, whether it's a business idea, community development project, research, innovation, or anything else that showcases your great abilities.
  • In addition to special surprise prizes, the following awards will be given:

We will announce I-II-III places in 4 categories:

  • Best Poster,
  • Best Presentation,
  • Best Project,
  • Each category means 100,000 - 80,000 - 50,000 HUF per team, divided by the current number of team members per head.
  • We also have prizes for those who vote for the Audience Award, and you can expect significant, high-value prizes and gifts from our partners as well.


You can apply alone or in a team.

Registration - Deadline: Monday, April 15.

It's worth a try for yourself!

You can view some previous year's posters HERE.

The video of the 2023 fall interuniversity iExpo


As a HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, why should you apply?

  • You can experience the "university life"
  • You can see one of our largest university events
  • You can meet PTE students, see other project works, hear their ideas, and presentations

Register, come see the event, and win!



As a CORPORATE PARTNER, why should you apply?

Get to know our UP Faculty of Business and Economics students and their skills from an entirely new perspective!

  • At iExpo, you have the opportunity for informal discussions with students, so you can find your future interns and employees already now.
  • We ask participating partners to visit the student teams and provide feedback on their work and skills, helping our students progress, develop, and select the best.
  • The top three teams with the most points will receive separate prizes (scholarships), and high-value corporate scholarships will also be awarded.
  • We gladly accept student scholarships, any form of gifts, or special prizes on behalf of the faculty and our students. Please indicate your donations separately on the registration page, and we will send a contract for this purpose.

Program for our corporate partners, company representatives, and experts:

  • Arrival and registration between 11:50-12:00 – Please indicate your parking needs at the registration link (Address: 80 Rákóczi út, entrance from Vasvári Pál utca 4., parking at the intersection of Jogász utca and Vasvári utca)
  • 12:00-13:00 – Room B323 – Presentation of received projects, expert evaluation guidelines, suggestions, informal discussions over sandwiches and coffee
  • 13:00-15:00 - FBE Building - iExpo – Reverse Job Fair for Students:

The building fills with student project exhibitions (iExpo), where in the exhibition area, students present their projects/ideas, and their own presentation skills to the attending experts, corporate representatives, and HR colleagues.

15:00-15:30 Announcement of Results, Special Awards, Surprise Gifts, and Prizes

  • Presentation of Student Scholarships (cash prizes)
  • Handing out Sponsor Gifts and Offered Awards


If your company wishes to participate in iEXPO, please fill out the REGISTRATION form.

You can find continuously updated information about the event on the Facebook event page or contact us at cal [at] ktk.pte.hu.

Inspiring Posters:


The event's VIDEO


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