Ethics in Finance training (ENG)

Why is being lawful not enough? Ethics in Finance

Can you trust an auditor? And your banker? What about an insurance agent? What would it be like in an ideal world? Doing business is about making promises and trusting your partners. But to keep trust, it is often not enough to be lawful. Actions not against the law may hurt people while they consider some illegal acts “acceptable” or even “good”. Thus, you should understand the different views on being ethical and learn how to deal with dilemmas of moral traits to keep your integrity while being a successful business professional.

Training duration: 4*90 minutes

Date: 11 November 2022.

Maximum student number: 25 person (FULL!)

Location: B018

Registration deadline: 7 November 2022.


This training will focus on developing your ethical skills to take better decisions and gain the ability to maintain an ethical organisation as a supervisor. To achieve that goal, we will

· review various definitions of being ethical,

· learn how to identify and analyse ethical dilemmas,

· understand what factors can support fraudulent activities,

· review real-life based case studies,

· contrast our opinions on what is right or wrong.

You will also have the opportunity to come up with stories of your own experience and share how what you saw differed from what you wished to see. We strongly hope this event will help you live in a way that your mother can always be proud of you.