Last week marked the exciting finale of iExpo, the reverse job fair, that brought together creativity, innovation, and opportunity at the University of Pécs. This unique event celebrated the entrepreneurial spirit of over 230 students from across 8 faculties of the University of Pécs. Students showcased their projects, research, and business ideas in a dynamic and professional setting.
iExpo isn’t just about showcasing ideas—it's an opportunity for students to demonstrate their personal competencies and presentation skills while engaging directly with industry professionals. iExpo is a unique opportunity for students and companies alike.
Projects were divided into key categories:
· Social and Community Projects
· Research and Analysis
· Problem Solving and Consulting
· Idea and Innovation
· Other Projects
Throughout the day, students showcased their projects and interacted with 70 representatives from 40 companies, along with 40 professors, who all served as experts, judges and mentors as well. This interaction allowed students to receive valuable feedback and network with potential employers and mentors. Once again, our partners have enhanced the professional caliber of this event, creating an inspiring environment of innovation, entrepreneurship, and collaboration.
We are grateful for their contribution to this semester’s iExpo.
The awarded teams:
Research and Analysis
1st place:
Team: A Z generáció pénzügyi tudatossága
Members: Gyuris Anett, Kis-Takács Judit, Szigethy Ábris, Fetzer Lili, Méhész Amanda
Sponsors: PTE KTK, Viapan Group
2nd place:
Team: Z generáció és a fenntarthatóság
Members: Ujházi Bálint Antal, Szabó Gréta Gabriella, Kurucz Dorka, Kalmár Nikolett
Sponsors: suIT Solutions Kft., Groupama Biztosító Zrt.
3rd place:
Team: Repontok - Gyűjtöd, vagy gyűröd?
Members: Sili Gergő, Luchesi Katalin
Sponsors: BDO, Concentrix Services Hungary Kft.
Idea and Innovation
1st place:
Team: Egyetemi RAG Chatbot
Members: Gál András Kristóf, Ignácz Kristóf, Regényi Mátyás
Sponsor: Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions, PBKIK
2nd place:
Team: Petit
Members: Iheanacho Prosper, Syeda Abrar Toaha Draha
Sponsors: GAZEK™ (Q.P. Kft.), OTP Bank Nyrt.
3rd place:
Team: ReWhey
Members: Szofrán Boldizsár, Káplár Nikolett, Csery Tamás
Sponsors: PTE KTK, InterimPro Hungary
Problem Solving and Consulting
1st place:
Team: UnPlugMate
Members: Németh Olivér, Akaró Rafael, Pátri Sámuel, Gyenis Áron
Sponsors: Körber Hungária Kft, PBKIK
2nd place:
Team: Mental Fit
Members: Hetesi Regina
Sponsors: Kontence Consulting Kft., Harman
3rd place:
Team: Fenntartható pécsi okosközlekedés
Members: Virágh Anna, Kiss Ádám István, Kovács Ákos
Sponsors: Pannon Cégcsoport, EY
Social and Community Projects
1st place:
Team: ScrollBlock
Members: Ambrus Vangelisz Miklós, Áron Borsos, Bizderi Nikolett, Bogos Márk
Sponsors: HR-Rent Kft. (Prohuman Group), Onespire Zrt.
2nd place:
Team: Inkluzív gasztronómia
Members: Nemes Katalin, Lékó Levente
Sponsors: 4B, FLEX
3rd place:
Team: Soulgarden- Jógás irodalomterápia
Members: Gyarmati Veronika
Sponsors: Concentrix Services Hungary Kft., BDO
Other Projects:
1st place:
Team: Kisállatpanzió alapítása és fejlesztése
Members: Hartman Gréta Neszta, Simon Zsanett, Kovács Réka
Sponsors: MEVID zrt., BAT
2nd place:
Team: Sustainable university merchandise
Members: Naufal Firmansyah Kuntjoro, Aidina Nur, Adzani Fadhilla
Sponsors: MB-Bau Kft, Holcim Magyarország Kft.
3rd place:
Team: Ecosmiley
Members: Lu Aiai, Vannasin Phengsy, Antwi Akosah Sarpong
Sponsors: PTE KTK, Kometa 99 Zrt.
Our collaborating partners:
Biokom NKft
Concentrix Services Hungary Kft.
ContentPlus-BBN Hungary Marketingügynökség
Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions
ERP Consulting Zrt.
Flextronics International Kft
GAZEK™ (Q.P. Kft.)
Groupama Biztosító Zrt.
Holcim Magyarország kft
HR-Rent Kft. (Prohuman csoport)
InterimPro Hungary
Irány Pécs Nonprofit Kft.
Katica Tanya Élményközpont
KOMETA 99 Zrt.
Kontence Consulting Kft.
Körber Hungária
Körber Hungária Kft
Körber Hungária Kft.
Kulcs-Soft Nyrt.
MB-Bau Kft
MEVID zrt.
Onespire Zrt.
OTP Bank Nyrt.
OVB Pécs - Együtt Sikeresen
Pannon Cégcsoport
PBKIK / Contrall
PBKIK / Renergy
Pécs MJV Önkormányzata
Pécsi Közösségi Alapítvány
PMJV Polgármesteri Hivatal
suIT Solutions Kft.
Viapan Group
Webstar Csoport Kft.
Z Elektronika Kft
Faculties of PTE that took part: