Location - Pécs
A wide range of off-class social programs are offered during the Summer School most of which despite being diverse and amusing are somehow linked to the concept of Simonyi Consulting program. Pécs is a beautiful place to study in. It is simultaneously a friendly place and a very active city, in which you can never be bored. You can be sure you will find everything here that a student could wish.
The history of Pécs dates back over 2000 years, and the name of the old Roman town, "Sopianae" is still found in the names of institutions and products. Pécs is a pleasant, modern town, rich in historical monuments, an administrative, cultural and educational centre offering a lot to those who wish to live or study here. The town is famous for its museums, galleries, the festivals and cultural events it hosts. The downtown of Pécs is an unique mixture of the relics of Early Christianity, the arrival of the Hungarians, the Turkish reign and the achievements of modern architecture and arts.

Thanks to its rich cultural past the city of Pécs had the honor of bearing the European Capital of Culture-title besides Essen and Istanbul in 2010. This year marks a dramatic moment in the life of the city. New cultural spaces and forums have been created, new perspectives have opened up for the exponents of various forms of art, new programmes and all-art festivals have been organized and can create a new tradition. Pécs has become a popular tourist destination, a mecca for young people and students. A new era and a new chapter have begun in the history of Pécs. For more information: or http://pte.hu/english/pecs_sights
Students coming from the European Economic Area do not require a visa to enter Hungary.
Students coming from outside the EEA (such as Canada, USA, Israel, Iran, India, South Africa etc.) are advised to contact the Hungarian Embassy in their country, or visit the website of the Consular Sevices.
Generali-Providencia STUDIUM accident and health insurance with cost reimbursement:
You, as insured shall have health insurance cover on the territory of the Republic of Hungary pursuant to the insurance contract with Generali-Providencia Insurance Company.
This insurance covers the expenses of medical treatments and interventions at the designated institution and also covers medicines and therapeutical aids, and - in case of medical necessity - the costs of transport of the patient to the designated institution.
Centre for Occupational Health and Hygiene of the University of Pécs Clinical Centre
The place of consultation: Pécs, Nyár u. 8.
In case of emergency, the insurance covers the above mentioned costs in any other institutions and hospitals, in this case let the designated medical institution know - if it is possible prior to commencing any medical intervention, but not later than the following workday -, where and what sort of health problem (illness, sickness or injury) are and/ or were you treated for, so that the designated medical institution can get in contact with the doctors and/ or institution providing medical treatment. The invoice needs to be issued to the name of the insured person and sent together with the medical report and the ambulant card to the designated medical institution.
Essential information about your insurance:
*Cover limit: up to HUF 2,000,000, for any insurance period.
Only 50 % of the costs of medicines and therapeutical aids will be reimbursed to the insured according to the issued invoices. In case you (as insured) buy medicines and/ or therapeutical aids, it is necessary to let the invoice issue to the name and address of the insured person. (Ask for a so-called “ÁFÁS SZÁMLA” in the Pharmacy)
How to find the designated medical institution/General Practitioner (GP) Service?
Centre for Occupational Health and Hygiene of the University of Pécs Clinical Centre
The place of consultation: Pécs, Nyár u. 8.
Opening hours
- Mondays and Wednesdays: 12:00-16:00
- Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays: 8:00-12:00
Should you have any questions, problems or would like to make an appointment please contact our English speaking GP on +36 30/709 5315.
In case of medical emergency (ambulance or emergency care is required) 112 is the emergency hotline, it is a free number, as well as the service provided.
Local Bus Transport
The public bus network reaches all parts of the city. The schedule of the busses is integrated into the Google Maps app, making it convenient for you to plan a trip. When travelling by bus, you will have to have a ticket validated on that specific bus (each ticket can be used once). The ticket can be bought online using the Mobiljegy mobile app (iOS/Android) or Simple Pay (iOS/Android), or in person from the bus driver (cash required). Weekly Passes can also be bought either online or in person at the TükeBusz Office. However, the prices should be considered, to find the best option.
- Weekly Pass - 3500 HUF
- 1-time ticket - 400 HUF if bought in advance or 500 HUF on the bus
Taxi network
There are several Taxi Companies operating in the city, however Bolt is the most recommended due to their developed mobile app. You can order a taxi online using the app and track its progress. When sharing a taxi the price can be approximately the same or even cheaper than of bus transport.
Ordering Food
In the city there are two major delivery services with several restaurants. You can order from either Wolt or Foodora.
Currency Exchange
There are several exchange options all around the city. To find these just search for them on Google Maps, you can check reviews and locations there. Based on our students' reviews Correct Change located near the city centre is not just the most trustworthy in town, but also the closest.