Publications, conferences

In 2023, 21 Scopus-listed journal articles related to SDGs were published by our faculty.

Every year, our faculty hosts several conferences, where ERS and sustainability are represented in at least one session of the event:

  • 20 April 2023 - Leadership and Trust Conference, Towards the Future of Leadership Development in Higher Education
  • April 28, 2023 - 5th International Tourism Marketing Conference, "Changing the Era of Tourism - Smart Destinations and Smart Behaviour in Times of Crises"
  • 5-6 June 2023 - XV Pécs Finance Days - Sustainability and Resilience in Finance
  • 6-7 June 2023 - 1st Research Collaboration Summit
  • 16 November 2023 - Consumption Interdisciplinary Symposium.

In addition, our faculty has several research groups and research projects that are also related to sustainability issues and the SDGs.

The role of domestic companies in the reindustrialization of the national economy (supervisor Dr. József Vörös, Professor) is investigating pandemics, the development of digitalisation and artificial intelligence, and the transformations accelerated by environmental change. Within this project, the ESG Finance research group (supervisor: Dr. Vivien Csapi, Associate Professor) is working on the topic of responsible transition with a specific focus on SMEs and to find its practical value beyond academic research and to help SMEs in this process. In 2023, the research team was awarded second place in the Hungarian National Bank's Green Financial Research Initiatives competition.

The chances and opportunities for the development of smart destinations and smart tourism in Hungary with special regard to the challenges of the post-pandemic period (supervisor: Dr. János Csapó, Professor) is also closely related to sustainability, as the ultimate goal of smart tourism is to improve the efficiency of resource management, increase digitalisation (in which Hungary's tourism is lagging behind), maximise competitiveness and enhance sustainability through the application of technological innovations and practices, thus the importance and value of research in this area in the context of innovative tourism development is unquestionable and fully in line with EU tourism policy.

The main research question of the project "With resilient systems against climate change" (supervisor: Dr. Tibor Kiss, Associate Professor) is: what are the main characteristics of the production systems considered to be the most advanced sustainable systems of our time? The research presents examples of resilient small-scale economic systems that meet the requirements of a blue and circular economy.

The Examining the competitiveness of Hungarian small businesses project (supervisor: Dr. László Szerb, Professor) is also linked to the SDG8 Sustainable Development Goal (SDG8), as small firms make up the majority of firms, but our knowledge of this heterogeneous group of firms is limited, while their role is relevant and even critical for fair and sustainable economic growth.


Development of hydrogen-based, resilient city-region protocol and IoT monitoring system for economic (supervisor: Dr. Zsolt Bedő, Associate Professor) aims to develop a protocol that can be used to make recommendations for a shift towards "hydrogen-based" operations at city-regional or even company level. This includes a "circular" mindset, if relevant in the given situation.

More details are available in the Research Report.

Scientific Student Conference (TDK)

In the academic year 2023/2024, for the first time, there was a separate section on "Economy and Sustainability". In total, 12 papers were submitted to the ERS, sustainability, 11 of which were judged suitable for the 2025 National Scientific Student Conference (OTDK) in Miskolc.

TDK papers on ERS in the 2023-2025 TDK cycle:

  • Fanni Ámer-Kurnász Pálma: Sustainability performance of sports brands
  • Antal Ákos: Self-care in Hungary today
  • Janka Boda: Startup model and sustainability analysis Alberts NV - is a sustainability startup feasible in Hungary based on the Belgian benchmark?
  • Laura Schum: Examining the willingness of generations Y and Z to have children in the light of state subsidies
  • Bence Gőbl: Updating the moral map: ethics in theory and the moral orientation of economics students
  • Gősi Virág: The meeting of two orders: conscious consumption and omnichannel shopping
  • Abigél Hoffmann: The effects of Youtube kidfluencers on their underage viewers
  • Horváth Janka Kata: The role of mental health among female employees
  • Klaudia Kovács: Generation Z(ero waste) and packaging-free shops - Hungarian and German comparative analysis
  • Lili Lovász: Special diets, food allergies and food intolerances in hospitality
  • Boglárka Szeiler-Borbély: Price formation for women's and men's products and the phenomenon of the pink tax
  • Dorottya Turi: Employee and employer relevance of sustainable development and employment: requirements for the workplace of the future