WoP Week 2024 Spring

World of Practice (WoP) Week - 18-22 March

The Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Pécs has been a committed supporter of experiential/applied learning and the integration of corporate partners and their knowledge into education for years.

Within the framework of the WoP lecture series, our partners and alumni have the opportunity to hold professional lectures throughout the semester, related to the topics brought to the courses.

As part of the World of Practice lecture series, our traditional event, the World of Practice (WoP) Week, has evolved into a highly diverse event this semester, in line with employability efforts.

The event includes the use of new technologies (the CoRe lab events) and their development (Simonyi Hackathon), as well as skill developmentlabor market expectations (WoP lectures, professional day, Alumni mentor program), and responsibility (Hackathon and roundtable discussion) all have a place.

We welcome all interested parties with the following programs, and their brief descriptions can be found in the attached document:

  • WoP Week will feature continuous guest lectures from March 18th to 22nd.
  • The spring Corporate Talk organized by the CoRe lab will also take place during WoP Week, from March 18th to 22nd. (only in Hungarian)
  • A very exciting panel discussion, focusing on the "Mindenki PÉCSI akar maradni" (meaning: "Everyone wants to stay connected to Pécs") motto, which is also the keynote presentation for the Simonyi Hackathon, will take place on March 20th from 12:30 to 14:00. (only in Hungarian)
  • The Simonyi Hackathon student idea competition will run from March 20th to 21st. Our kickoff events include the Alumni Mentor Program and the CoRe lab's eye-tracking research project. (only in Hungarian)

The program lineup also demonstrates that this semester, WoP Week is made possible through collaboration among the institutions and centers of the faculty,

  • the CoRe lab,
  • the Simonyi BEDC,
  • the Sustainability Center,
  • and the Alumni Office,

which is a particular joy for us.

We are continuously working on making our events available in English, however this is not something that can be can be accomplished instantly. We appreciate your understanding and your patience.

2024 tavasz WoP WEEK lectures
