Simonyi International Video Pitch Competition


The Simonyi International Video Pitch Competition is an online pitch competition. The competition is launched by the Simonyi Business and Economic Development Center and the Ohio University Entrepreneurship Center in 2013. The aim of the competition was to create link between the Ohio and Simonyi Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in order to inspire common, transatlantic entrepreneurial activity.

Now 11 partner institutions from 6 different countries are involved in the competition and help the expansion and effective operation of the ecosystem. Students participating in the competition have opportunity to share their ideas and move toward the international recognition and success. Videos are assessed by an international jury, whose members draw up suggestions for teams in order to make projects more successful in the future.

The competition is prize awarded, which is determined by partner institutions and independent donors each year. In each round the first and second place will be awarded too.

There are two round:

  • Local round
  • International round

Existing companies, startups or a team with an idea also can apply.

If you want to apply, you should follow the next steps:

  1. Create an account on and log in.
  2. Create a 2 minutes video about your idea and upload it.
  3. Create a one-pager that shortly describes the business model of your idea and upload it.

After the jury make a decision, the results of the local round and then the international round will be announced.


Winners from UP

Vimage App

Magic Look





You can find further videos on