
Do you want to change the world, to stand out from your classmates, to be successful and wealthy, professionally recognised? To achieve this goal, you need only work hard on ideas that pop into your head and may seem like a dream, but may not be impossible. In this hard work of becoming an entrepreneur, you will be supported by the members of Simonyi BEDC community who also want to make their mark on the world.  

It is important to know that being one of them does not necessarily mean that you will become a founder or owner of a company, as it may happen that in the first few years of your professional career you will be employed by a large company and will be the "idea man", or internal entrepreneur within that organisation. Once you've learned what you need to do, you'll realise that you could do it outside the company, and then you'll set up your own business.  

Simonyi BEDC programmes, training and events support all students with an entrepreneurial spirit to develop their entrepreneurial spirit into an entrepreneurial capacity as effectively as possible and to learn how to develop this capacity in their everyday life.  

Check our programs and let us know at simonyibedc [at] if you would like to get involved in the internship!

Got a business idea?

  • Apply for the Simonyi 5let Outlet Idea Competition and develop your idea in the Simonyi Incubation Program. Successful 5let Outlet start-ups will enter the Incubation Program, where they will develop their idea with the help of mentors and a development team, which may even turn into a start-up ready business by the end of the semester.
  • Apply for the International Video Pitch (IVP) Competition and get some seed money to start your business. The competition is an online presentation competition in an international environment where you have to outline the strengths and potential of your idea in 2 minutes. Your uploaded videos will be judged by an international panel, who will also provide you constructive feedbacks. The competition will consist of two parts, a local and an international round, with cash prizes for first and second place winners.*

         *Temporarily not available

  • Have an idea but lack the team to implement it? Register on global incubation platform and find the right partners for you. The platform aims to help young entrepreneurs find the professionals, creative and innovative teammates they need to turn their ideas into reality. In addition, projects selected for the Incubation Programme can use a co-working space at to access learning materials, share work in progress and discuss project-related issues.

No idea but would you like to learn about the process of business development?

  • Choose the Simonyi Incubation Program course in your curriculum or Campus Credit and develop one of the ideas. The Program is highly practice-oriented, with the goal of a semester's work to develop an idea into a real business by the end of the semester.
  • Apply for the Simonyi Summer Social Entrepreneurship Program if you would like to work with internationally renowned professionals and students from abroad. The Simonyi Summer Social Entrepreneurship Programme, also known as Simonyi Summer University, is a 3-week intensive programme that takes place every year in July. The language of the programme is English and it is open to both Hungarian and foreign students. During the 3 weeks, participants develop solutions to real business problems in the region.

   Would you like to expand your knowledge and obtain a certificate or master's degree?

  • Apply for one of our Certificate Programs if you want to get an additional qualification in business studies to your degree. The programme is in English, so you can improve your language skills as well as your professional knowledge. The two-semester courses start each autumn.
  • Continue your studies on the MSc Entrepreneurship. The aim of the Master of Entrepreneurship and Business Development is to train professionals who have a high level of theoretical and practical knowledge of business development and are able to apply it confidently and professionally in the practicalities of business at home or abroad.